Steps for Uploading QC Template:

  1. Download the Pre-filled template option.
  2. Download and READ the QC Upload Instructions.
  3. Download the Method List.
  4. Enter all QC Programs data into a single consolidated template file. Report exactly 5 runs (10 data points) for each analyte. This is required for the template to be accepted.
    • When using the pre-filled template, provide the following information: method code, other method name (if applicable), and results.
  5. Do not alter column names, column order, or format of your template file. Any changes to the structure or format of the template will inactivate the template and the upload will fail.
  6. Leave blank any inapplicable columns or fields. Add <LOD for results when necessary.
  7. Upload the completed template for ALL PROGRAMS you are reporting. No partial results will be accepted at this time
  8. If you upload more than once, your previous upload will be overwritten.
  9. Use the ‘Review QC Upload Data’ page to review and edit entries after uploading the completed template.
  10. If you have trouble uploading your completed template please email for assistance.
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